My first objective: To be a representative for the large portion of Orange County that feels ignored.
My second objective: To provide variety and depth to the Commissioner's board that an ideologically unaffiliated person can offer.
Help Orange County be representative of all.
Value development which values people.
Multi-disciplinary input is best for good leadership decisions.
Voters want office holders to represent them.
Self-serving by Commissioners must be addressed.

The Back Story
Pillar 2
There's a reason people are increasingly unaffiliated.
Political positions have become so polarized that affiliation with a party is starting to cause more rifts between families, friends, and co-workers. People are choosing to be unaffiliated because they don't want to be "coerced" into affiliation with a prevailing party position that either of the two main political parties exudes.
Largest Voting Block in NC
Pillar 3
Rural neighbors are integral members of Orange County
People enjoy the natural beauty of Orange County, with the proximity of residents typically being only 15 minutes from Chapel Hill, Hillsborough or even Durham. Yet some significant basic services remain strangely limited for our rural neighbors, while expensive projects are funded for the town centers. Many residents in Orange County live in rural areas, and it surprises me how often people in the northern & western parts of Orange County express that their interests aren't addressed. I often work with people in Chapel Hill & Hillsborough and never felt that they dislike the rural community.
For example, during the COVID lockdowns I experienced what it feels like to have basic modern connection needs not addressed. I discovered we are the "rural disconnected", yet I'm halfway between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill. It never crossed my mind to ask if internet was available when purchasing our house, and NextDoor is replete with examples of similarly frustrated people. It's a priority issue of serving the entire County when a very expensive new library is being proposed for Carrboro, yet schools don't use textbooks & push students to the internet....that is minimally available at their homes since 60% of the county has limited connectivity.
I support increased support of Orange County agricultural, high-speed internet connectivity, and recreational program opportunities for our rural neighbors.

Pillar 4
Flourishing means leaders are not self-serving and don't burden those they serve
Sometime around 2010 I learned the Orange County Commissioners voted themselves permanent health care following their first term in office. This is costly and unethically self-serving...especially when the system has perpetuated a lack of ballot options and subsequently diverse viewpoints on the local governing boards.
Also, there will be a bond vote question on the November 2024 ballot, which is not widely known by Orange County residents. This bond vote will burden Orange County to pay back nearly half a BILLION dollars. This proposal is sound-deaf to current residents who already feel inflation pressures, provides significant funds in an unbalanced manner to particular developed areas while loading the entire County, and increases costs that the next generation unnecessarily will need to pay.